Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Detailed Lesson in Literature for Fourth Year High School

Detailed Lesson in Literature for Fourth Year High School

I. Objectives
            At the end of this lesson the students should be able to:
     a. discuss the idea of the essay
     b. give the lesson derived from the essay
     c. show appreciation for the essay; and
     d. participate on the given activities

II. Subject Matter
     a. Topic: “The Art of Travelling” by Wilferd A. Peterson
     b. Reference: New Horizons in Learning English IV, pp. 287-288

III. Materials
            PowerPoint Presentation and hand out.

IV. Procedure

A. Introduction
Good morning class!
Good morning Ms. Abby it’s nice to see you.
It’s nice to see you too class, you may take your seat now.
Thank You Ms. Abby.
Very good, but before we proceed, I would like to ask your class monitor who were absent for today.
None Ma’am.
Very Good! It’ good to know that no one is absent today. Let us start now.

B. Review of Past Lesson
Last time we studied about summarizing and paraphrasing.
Yes Ma’am.
Class what do you mean by Summarizing?
(Students will raise their hands)
Yes Andrew?
Ma’am a summary is a succinct account of a work and it is shorter than the original work.
Very good! And last, yes Ma. Lyn?
Ma’am a summary is selective and it telescopes much into little.
Okay Very good! Next, what do you mean by Paraphrasing?
(Students will raise their hands)
Yes Ma. Lyn
Ma’am a paraphrase is generally equal the length of the text being paraphrase. And it follows the structure or the order of details of the text.
Very good! And last, Andrew can you differentiate a Summary with a Paraphrase?
Ma’am a paraphrase is inclusive and it depends on the structure of the text. While a summary is selective and it does not follow the structure of the text.
Very good class. I’m glad that you still remember our last topic. And now we can finally move on in our new topic.

C. Motivation
Now class, Did you experience traveling in different places?
Yes Ma’am.
Did you learn something from your adventure or journey?
Answers will vary.
If yes, what are the things that you’ve learned during your travel in that place/s?
Answers will vary.
Very good class. Good answers. And now, we can move on to our next topic.
Yes Ma’am.

D. Discussion
Class, today we are going to discuss a essay entitled, “The Art of Travelling” by Wilferd A. Peterson
Yes Ma’am.
Have you heard about the essay?
No Ma’am.
That’s good because today I am going to discuss it to you.
Yes Ma’am.
And here’s a copy of the essay. I will give you 5 to 10 minutes to read it and afterwards we start our discussion.
Yes Ma’am.
The Art of Traveling

When you pack your bags to explore the beauties of your own country or to travel around the world, consider these keys to a happy journey.
Travel lightly. You are not traveling for people to see you!
Travel Slowly. Jet planes are for getting place, not seeing places.
Take time to absorb the beauty and inspiration of a mountain or a cathedral.
Travel expectantly. Every place you visit is like a surprise package to be opened. Untie the strings with an expectation of high adventure.
Travel hopefully. “To travel hopefully,” wrote Robert Louis Stevenson, “is better than to arrive.”
Travel humbly. Visit people and places with reverence and respect for their traditions and ways of Life.
Travel courteously. Consideration for your fellow travelers and your hosts will smooth the way through the most difficult days.
Travel gratefully. Show appreciation for the many things that are being done by others for your enjoyment and comfort.
Travel with an open mind. Leave your prejudice at home.
Travel with curiosity. It is not how far you go, but how deeply you go that mines the gold of experience. Thoreau wrote a big book about tiny Walden Pond.
Travel with imagination. As the old Spanish proverb puts it: “He who would bring home the wealth of the Indies must carry the wealth of the Indies with hm.”
Travel fearlessly. Banish worry and timidity, the world and its people belong to you just as you belong to the world.
Travel relaxed. Make up your mind to have a good time. Let go and let God.
Travel patiently. It takes time to understand others, especially when there are barriers of language and custom; keep flexible and adaptable to all situations.
Travel with the spirit of a world citizen. You’ll discover that people are basically much the same the world around. Be an ambassador of goodwill to all people.

V. Evaluation

Class did you understand the essay?
Yes/No Ma’am
What is the essay all about?
Answers will vary.
Very good! Now, the next thing that we are going to do is to analyze the title of the essay. Can someone define the meaning of the word art?
Answers will vary.
Can we consider traveling as an art? Why? Why not?
Answers will vary.
Why does the writer say that every place we visit is like a surprise package to be opened?
Answers will vary.
What struck you most while you were reading the essay?
Answers will vary.
Do you have any question regarding the essay?
None Ma’am. (But if there are questions, the teacher will address questions regarding the text or story.)
Very good class, your answers are all correct. And I am glad that all of you understand the essay and learn something from it.

VI. Assignment

E. Assignment Instructions
Class is the essay clear to you?
Yes Ma’am.
Okay class I think it’s almost time so I will give the remaining questions to you as an assignment.
Yes Ma’am.
Now listen carefully to what I am going to say because I am not going to repeat the instructions.
Yes Ma’am.
I have here sets of questions in which each of you needs to answer. And then tomorrow when you’ve already answered the questions that I gave, I will choose one to two students per question to discuss their answers in front. Write the questions and your answers on a piece of paper and you will submit it tomorrow. Is that clear?
Yes Ma’am.
Very good! And that ends our lesson for today.

Assignment Questions

What is one tip to follow to have a happy journey?

Which of the fourteen tips do you consider the most important? Why?

What tips will you give a friend who is about to go on a journey?

Prepared by:
Abigail Y. Parado
BSEd English
Colegio De Los Baños

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